Monday, August 28, 2006

The Death of the Internet !

This is not a Joke.. I bumped into it accidently today and I was suprised that I didnt hear anything about this in the general media.. Dont know about you, but thought of bringing this into your attension...

The Internet Service Providers (ISP.s) is lobbying hard to make internet a Private Property so that they can dictate you. Small trends of this is already started here and there, not fully leagal, though.

This movement is commonly designated by the term "Net Neutrality". Now this is more debated in US, but soon this will be everywhere.. Please be aware of it and be part of the debate in whichever way you can and try to protect the freedom of Internet.. Resist agaist the bulldozing of the ISP's..

This video will give you a samll introduction.. Keep you eyes open and make your voices heard..

Further Links:

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